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©2023 - P.SYS caring systems GmbH

Your own bed is equipped with fitting sensors, placed under each bed leg, and a processing module. The P.SYS Bedmonitor automatically learns your normal behaviour and recognises any exceptions immediately. In case of an emergency, it contacts pre-selected people on their mobile device(s). Depending on the type of assistance required these can be family, call centers or emergency services. Due to local data processing, no cloud is required.

Knowing your loved ones are safe

Independent yet still connected


and secure

Provides protection and peace of mind, without invading

privacy and independence.

Contact-free Discreet sensors placed under your bed legs
Real-time Reacts quickly and calls for help if needed
Individualised Learns and adapts to your personal behaviour
Autonomous Starts working automatically, just go to bed as usual
Private & Secure Your privacy is ensured, only alarms are sent outside your home

Ensure carers are informed when needed

Maintain a self-determined lifestyle

The P.SYS Bedmonitor

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©2023 - P.SYS caring systems GmbH

Your own bed is equipped with fitting sensors, placed under each bed leg, and a processing module. The P.SYS Bedmonitor automatically learns your normal behaviour and recognises any exceptions immediately. In case of an emergency, it contacts pre-selected people on their mobile device(s). Depending on the type of assistance required these can be family, call centers or emergency services. Due to local data processing, no cloud is required.
Knowing your loved ones are safe
Independent yet still connected
Provides protection and peace of mind, without invading privacy and independence
Ensure carers are informed when needed
Maintain a self-determined lifestyle
The P.SYS Bedmonitor
Self-determined & Secure